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New call for Residency #004 Apply until 22.11.2024!!! More info here

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The book Analogue Images will be presented at et al. on Thursday 31 October 7PM in presence of Rory Gardiner and Maxime Delvaux!

COATING, Louise Morin-0
COATING, Louise Morin-0
COATING, Louise Morin-1
COATING, Louise Morin-1
COATING, Louise Morin-2
COATING, Louise Morin-2
COATING, Louise Morin-3
COATING, Louise Morin-3
COATING, Louise Morin-4
COATING, Louise Morin-4
COATING, Louise Morin-5
COATING, Louise Morin-5
COATING, Louise Morin-6
COATING, Louise Morin-6
COATING, Louise Morin-7
COATING, Louise Morin-7
© Bureau DAM with Johannes Spitzer

COATING, Louise Morin



Architecture Curating Practice


Louise Morin

English translation

Patrick Lennon

Graphic design

Bureau DAM with Johannes Spitzer


Laetitia Gendre


Flemish Government - Flanders State of the Art, Batilin, Haezebroeck

More info

Between September 2023 and February 2024, Paris-based architect and artist Louise Morin carried out a residency focused on the issue of thermal comfort and the ideal temperature.

Through this atlas of images —a valuable tool she developed throughout her residency— she reveals here her research, her reasoning and the design of the resulting installation, which questions the place of architecture in our relationship to comfort.

This book was published in conjunction with the exhibition ‘Residency #001— Coating’, developed by Louise Morin and produced by Architecture Curating Practice. It was on show for the first time at et al. architect-run space, from 22 February to 19 May 2024.